Tomica Nissan Skyline Safety Car #23 TOMY

TOMY,Tomica Nissan Skyline,Safety-Car, Latest Tomica Nissan Skyline Safety Car that I manage to haul.. love the tempo and details on the car, the front door can be open too 🙂 Enjoy the photos! TOMY,Tomica Nissan Skyline,Safety-Car,myMatchboxClub.comTOMY,Tomica Nissan Skyline,Safety-Car,myMatchboxClub.comTOMY,Tomica Nissan Skyline,Safety-Car, TOMY,Tomica Nissan Skyline,Safety-Car, TOMY,Tomica Nissan Skyline,Safety-Car, TOMY,Tomica Nissan Skyline,Safety-Car, TOMY,Tomica Nissan Skyline,Safety-Car,

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