Toys R Us Grand Opening at Empire Shopping Gallery

Toys R Us, Subang Empire Shopping Gallery, Hotwheels, opening ceremony April 2010 went to check out the newly opened Toys R Us at Empire Shopping Gallery, Subang today. Lots of Hot Wheels on the rack, but no t-hunt spotted 😛

Mostly is old stocks plus Rat Bomb waves car.. Toys R Us Subang Empire Shopping Gallery, Hotwheels, opening ceremony

Another rack of Hot Wheels basic line..

Toys R Us Subang Empire Shopping Gallery, Hotwheels, opening ceremony

More hot wheels Speed Machine, Batman & Ferrari Racers

Toys R Us Subang Empire Shopping Gallery, Hotwheels, opening ceremony

Manage to grab these 2 Hot Wheels while I was there. Toy R Us, Subang Empire Shopping Gallery, Hotwheels, opening ceremony April 2010

Toys R Us Grand Opening Deals and promotions brochure

Toys R Us, Empire Shopping Gallery Subang, Hotwheels

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